Social media technology usage and customer relationship performance:A capabilities-based examination of social CRMa b s t r a c t
This study examines how social media technology usage and customer-centric management systems contributeto a firm-level capability of social customer relationship management (CRM). Drawing from the literature inmarketing, information systems, and strategic management, the first contribution of this study is the conceptualizationand measurement of social CRM capability. The second key contribution is the examination of howsocial CRM capability is influenced by both customer-centric management systems and social media technologies.These two resources are found to have an interactive effect on the formation of a firm-level capabilitythat is shown to positively relate to customer relationship performance. The study analyzes data from 308organizations using a structural equation modeling approach

پنجشنبه 11 آذر 1395 ساعت 09:06